How do the different houses of parliament work?

Thanks for your question.

The Senate is made up of 76 senators, each elected to represent one of Australia's 6 states or 2 territories.

The House of Representatives has 150 members elected to represent one of Australia's 150 federal electorates. The government is formed in the House of Representatives, by the party or coalition of parties with the support of the majority of members in the House.

Both the Senate and House of Representatives the debate and pass bills – proposed laws –, scrutinise government and represent the people of Australia.

The Australian Parliament: the King (represented by the Governor-General), the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Parliament of Australia

Parliamentary Education Office (

Parliament of Australia

The Australian Parliament: the King (represented by the Governor-General), the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Parliamentary Education Office (


This diagram illustrates the composition of the Australian Parliament. The Australian Parliament is made up of the King (represented by the Governor-General), the Senate and the House of Representatives.