Australia's Constitution pocket edition

This handy pocket-sized edition of the full text of the Australian Constitution is published jointly by the Parliamentary Education Office and the Australian Government Solicitor (AGS). It is an essential reference text for Politics, Legal Studies and civics and citizenship students.

This A6-sized edition of Australia's Constitution contains all 128 sections as well as an informative summary by the Australian Government Solicitor (AGS).

Download the PDF below for free.

You can place orders of up to 300 printed copies or contact the Parliamentary Education Office for larger orders.

$3.00 (GST inclusive)
Postage included.

Who is it for?

  • Politics and Legal Studies students and teachers
  • University law students
  • Lifelong learners

Why should you order?

The Australian Constitution affects our everyday lives; it is the foundation for all laws and details the basic rules for how Australia is governed. This pocket edition contains:

  • all 128 sections
  • an overview by the Australian Government Solicitor
  • extensive notes, including changes made as a result of referendums.

How can it be used?

Australia's Constitution is a handy reference text for any law or politics student. It can also be used by classroom teachers when undertaking a unit of work on the Constitution. 

Use the Constitution as a starting point to explore:

  • the right to vote (section 41)
  • the powers of the Australian Parliament (sections 51 and 52)
  • the relationship between the Australian Parliament and state parliaments (sections 96 and 109)
  • how the Constitution can be changed (section 128)

How much?

The recommended retail price of Australia's Constitution is $3.00 (GST inclusive).

Australia's Constitution front cover

Front cover of Australia's Constitution

Parliamentary Education Office


Single image of Australia's Constitution main front cover

Australia's Constitution cover and sample pages

Front cover of Australia's Constitution and sample pages

Parliamentary Education Office


Front cover of Australia's Constitution and sample pages

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Page spread from Australia's Constitution pocket edition

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Page spread from Australia's Constitution pocket edition.

Australia's Constitution pocket edition page spread 2.

Page spread from Australia's Constitution pocket edition

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Page spread from Australia's Constitution pocket edition.

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