Get to know the PEO
Get to know the work and people of the Parliamentary Education Office (PEO). We provide parliamentary education programs and information about the Australian Parliament to schools, teachers and students.
The PEO team are highly experienced professional educators with extensive knowledge of parliamentary process, pedagogy and the Australian Curriculum.
PEO Staff 2023

David Foote/DPS Auspic
The PEO staff stand behind a table with props from the Education Centre at Parliament House.
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Through relevant programs and resources, the PEO enables Australians to better understand the role, function and value of the Australian Parliament, and actively engage with it. We produce information that is current, accurate and impartial.
Our work includes:
Immersive learning programs
that give primary and secondary students hands-on experience of how Parliament works to make Australia a better place to live. Programs are delivered at Australia's Parliament House, at schools during national outreach and via digital programs.
Print and digital resources
that enable teachers, students and the public to better understand Australia's democratic system of government.
Teaching resources
linked to the Australian Civics and Citizenship Curriculum, including units of work, lesson plans and other learning materials.
Services and support for senators and members
to assist them build community understanding of their roles as members of parliament.
We are jointly funded by the Department of the Senate and the Department of the House of Representatives.
Want to work with us? Check the Australian Parliament House website for current opportunities.
Our office
Our team
More details of the achievements of the PEO can be found on the PEO at a glance page and in the Department of the Senate Annual Report.