Can the president of the senate request a senator to leave for unruly conduct like the speaker in the reps?
Thank you for your question, Barry.
As you are aware, in the House of Representatives the Speaker can utilise 94 (a) of the Standing Orders – the rules used to run the meetings – to direct a disorderly member to leave the chamber for one hour.
The Standing Orders of the Senate do not give the President the same ability to direct a senator to leave the chamber.
However, the President of the Senate can name and move a motion to suspend a senator who has engaged in unruly conduct. This motion requires support from a majority of the Senate for the senator to be suspended. Senate standing orders 203 and 204 outline this process and the timeframes involved.
The House of Representatives has a similar standing order – 94 (b) – which allows for the suspension of a disorderly member.
The Senate from behind the President of the Senate's chair

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