How does the government work and why is the government so important?
Thanks for your question Shuobing. The Australian Government is responsible for making decisions about how the country is run, including setting a policy agenda, proposing new laws and putting laws into action. The government plays an important role in shaping our society and making sure that Australians have the services and safeguards we need.
The government is formed by the party or coalition of parties with the support of the majority of members in the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister and ministers, who are appointed from the government party or parties, make up Cabinet. Cabinet is mainly responsible for making decisions about how the country should be run and for carrying out laws made by the Australian Parliament.
The Cabinet in session.

Office of the Prime Minister
A group of people sit on both sides of a wooden table. The men and women look towards the camera. It looks as if their meeting has been interrupted because there are papers and water glasses on the table.