If members have a pecuniary interest in an issue, are they allowed to vote on it, and what legislation is involved?

Thank you for your question about the pecuniary – money related – interests of members of parliament.

In the House of Representatives, matters to do with pecuniary interests of members are governed by Standing Orders 134 and 231, and by resolutions – decisions – of the House.

House of Representatives Standing Order 134(a) states that, 'A member may not vote in a division about a matter, other than public policy, in which he or she has a particular direct pecuniary interest.'

All senators and members of the House of Representatives are required to list their pecuniary interests in a register of interest. The purpose of this register is to place on the public record members' interests which may conflict, or may be seen to conflict, with their public duty.

Members sit on green benches with desks. They are listening and working on their devices.

Members working in the House of Representatives

DPS Auspic

Members working in the House of Representatives

Members sit on green benches with desks. They are listening and working on their devices.

DPS Auspic


Members speaking to each other, listening, reading or working on their devices in the House of Representatives.