What is the oath of office that is taken by new senators and members of the House of Representatives when they are sworn in?

Thanks Wayne for your question about the oath or affirmation that members and senators swear. The schedule of the Australian Constitution requires senators and members of the House of Representatives to affirm their allegiance to the Crown. Senators and members are required to both make and subscribe – sign – an oath or affirmation. The same oath and affirmation have been used since Federation and can only be changed by a referendum. Senators and members can decide whether they would like to swear the oath or the affirmation.


I,....., do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, His heirs and successors according to law. SO HELP ME GOD!


I,....., do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles the Third, His heirs and successors according to law.

Two women dressed in red stand holding pieces of paper. Behind them are people sitting at wooden desks watching.

Swearing in of senators.

DPS Auspic

Swearing in of senators.

Two women dressed in red stand holding pieces of paper. Behind them are people sitting at wooden desks watching.

DPS Auspic


Two senators being sworn in. The senator on the right holds a bible.